Monday, May 19, 2008

Rediscovery of the garden gnomes

This weekend was the first of two weekends of spring cleaning in my house. Daan, Wenke and Niels did a marvelous job in the garden. Not only did they remove half the weight of biomass in our garden to make space and light for the pretty flowers that through all this time still survive in our flower bed, they also discovered a small but happy group of garden gnomes in one corner. When I saw them I immediately asked who had the idea to buy garden gnomes, as it turned out, they had always been there. Only none of us had ever seen them before thanks to the dense jungle of undergrowth thriving there for more than a year.
Welcome back gnomes, do not go disappearing again soon!

Illustration courtesy:

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cool in NY

NY is cool, in many ways, especially in the early spring. So I wear my bonnet to keep my ears warm. But NY has not failed to realise that spring IS here, so the sun is shining bright most of the day. I bought myself a pair of BIG fancy sunglasses for $3, which not only save my late-night-dancing-eyes from the merciless sun, but also make me look almost as cool as New York.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Ah, de lente

Cycling without a jacket, singing along on the music in the supermarket. The weather is begging for rollerskating (and outdoor photos!). I can't believe it is already ten years ago that I had no bike and relied on my rollerblades for transport every day. With this weather they deserve a revival.

Photo from my garden in Odense

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