Thursday, January 29, 2009

Relief by diagnose

A good friend of mine wrote me to tell me some good news. At an age of 45+ and after years of distress he finally found the explanation for the multitude of problematic situations he had encountered in his life. He got a diagnose of Aspergers Syndrome. Then he realised that all the occasions where he had failed in social situations was either when he had unknowingly hurt someones feelings and made them mad, or when he himself got mad and did not get the response he expected from others. Now he is actively practising reading body language and imagining how other people feel about their situation. In his letter he thanked me for always just accepting him for who he is. I thank him for the same.

Illustration courtesy:
(I put this illustration here because I find it funny that you can have a word that does not mean asparagus but sounds sooo much like asparagus...)

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Katrine Mosegaard has updated her homepage with cool photos of her recent works. Go check it out!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wiz kid

Max threw a party this weekend for his family and the friends of his parents. Even though he is new in this world (only about three months now) he already knows what are the important things in life (well, apart from breast feeding). Here he is studying some literature before going to bed.

Photo courtesy: Allan and Olgas blog

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Ayah was born on September 14th, 2007 at 02:50 AM. Congratulations and all my best wishes to Angelo and Anne-Mette. I am really looking forward to visit you next time I come by Denmark!

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Sunday, July 29, 2007


On July 23rd the world was blessed with a new face on this Earth. Hello to Max and congratulations to Al & Olga. See how he looks like his dad?

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Holiday planning

While everybody else is busy planning Roskilde Festival (what to see, what to sing, what to drink, what to wear, where to sleep, if to sleep, how to survive for a week living on beer alone) I am busy planning my vacation to Vancouver, Canada. Together with my parents and my sister we will visit both Vancouver and Vancouver Island. We plan on touring the magnificent landscape in our camper van, to spend time whale watching, bear watching, maybe kayaking, and definitely pay a visit to Josh and his family. After more than ten years of contact without ever seeing each other, I am very excited about finally getting the chance to meet my dear friend Josh.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Miruna and Bram

Last weekend Miruna and Bram got married in Amsterdam. It was a lovely day with sunshine and happy people, and umm nice petit fours for the reception. The church wedding will take place in Bucharest in August (sorry Miruna, I can't make it then). Cheers and best wishes!

Thanks to Abbie for the photos.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Words are wise..

My friend Allan has made a cool application to generate random quotes mixed from quotes by Einstein, Descartes, Vonnegut, Twain and Voltaire. Allan postulates that if we wait long enough and if we are lucky, one of these randomized quotes might someday explain the meaning of life...

Try it out yourself at Allans Random Quote Generator

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Saturday, May 26, 2007


When I was in New York over easter, a friend of mine there asked me: "Are you religious?" He himself being a catholic, he was interested in knowing what church I belonged to. When I answered him "No" he was very surprised. "So... what do you believe in?" he asked. I told him, as I will tell you now, that I believe in people; I believe that people are good.

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Encounter in the dark

I got an unexpected visit from two friends (Allantech and Graffen) from Denmark. They informed me only last week that they would visit me this week from Tuesday to Thursday. What a pleasant surprise! I took the day of Wednesday, and we went sightseeing in Nijmegen.
One of the most interesting sights was not a sight at all: we went to the MuZIEuM to experience what it is like to be completely blind. Guided by Bart, we walked through an office, a back yard, a park, a marketplace and a cafe in complete darkness. Our only aids were our canes and the comforting voice and support of Bart. The experience 'opens your eyes' for another way of 'viewing the world', namely with your hearing, your sense of smell and subtle differences in touch and feel of things. I can really recommend this museum for future tourists in Nijmegen.

Visit the MuZIEuM online.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Diners in Nijmegen

Illustration from our Diners in Amsterdam last year.

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